Wednesday, November 25, 2009

planes, trains, and crapmobiles

Sometimes(allthetimes) you're in a situation and you have 3 paths you can take. The path that takes you where the bunnies and kitties are playing a field.. it's sunny and the trees are singing and you make everyone happy, and maybe yourself even in the long run, then you have the path where it's kind of hazy maybe a little misty and windy but you know the skies will clear up and things will get better eventually, and THEN you have the fire burning demon hell breathing path that screams at you that this is wrong and you'd be crazy to take it !

You stand there, look at all of the paths.
Then take a chute, not a ladder to hell.. why ? because your life is fucked up.

and we're all going to die

goodnight, oh ! and happy thanksgiving !


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